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  • Current Campaign: Cold War turns Hot
  • 1983 alternate history in which the Soviets invade West Germany
  • M. McCurry

    Patrol Leader
    • Enlistment Date

    • Induction Date

    • Promotion Date

    • M. McCurry


    • Rank Progress

      • Next Rank Lieutenant(Junior Grade)
      • Points Required 150
      • Rank Progress 0%
    • Contact Information

    • Weapon

      • Weapon
    • Timezone

      • Timezone
    • Activity

      • Reported In
    • Length Of Service

      • Time In Service
        3 years and 11 months
      • Time In Grade
        22 days and 23 hours
    Date Service Record Attachments
    Patrol Training - CQB - SMG
    Patrol Training - CQB - SMG
    Patrol Training - CRRC Insertion
    Patrol Training - Land Navigation Under Duress
    Patrol Training - Leadership Principles Review
    Patrol Training - Linear Danger Areas
    Patrol Training - MOUT-Breaching Charges
    Patrol Training - Objective Reconnaissance / HVT Elimination
    Patrol Training - Patrol Discussions, Planning, and Expectations
    Patrol Training - Patrol Movements
    Patrol Training - Perimeter Security
    Patrol Training - Perimeter Security
    Patrol Training - PID NATO Forces
    Patrol Training - Positive Identification
    Patrol Training - React to Ambush
    Patrol Training - Round-Robin basics
    Patrol Training - SERE - Evade
    Patrol Training - Squad Attack
    Patrol Training - SSE - Detail Retention
    Patrol Training - Team Building Exercise
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