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  • Current Campaign: Cold War turns Hot
  • 1983 alternate history in which the Soviets invade West Germany
  • R. Leathers

    • Enlistment Date

    • Induction Date

    • Promotion Date

    • R. Leathers

      Master Chief Petty Officer

    • Rank Progress

      • Next Rank Master Chief Petty Officer
      • Points Required 100
      • Rank Progress 100%
    • Contact Information

    • Weapon

      • Weapon
    • Timezone

      • Timezone
    • Activity

      • Reported In
    • Length Of Service

      • Time In Service
        7 years and 7 months
      • Time In Grade
        1 year and 23 days
    Date Combat Record Attachments
    Operation IA Feature Mission 15
    Operation IA Feature Mission 14
    Operation IA Feature Mission 13
    Operation IA Feature Mission 12
    Operation IA Feature Mission 5
    Operation IA Feature Mission 4
    Operation IA Feature Mission 3
    Operation IA Feature Mission 2
    Operation IA Feature Mission 1
    Deployment Training
    Deployment Training
    Operation Righteous Archer Mission 23
    Dry Luck
    Operation Righteous Archer Mission 22B
    Operation Righteous Archer Mission 22
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